Locally Integrated Energy Sector (LIES) was introduced to integrate the energy system in terms of heat and power in industrial area into non-industrial area to improve the overall energy efficiency of a local area using Pinch Analysis concept. A new framework is introduced in this work, for optimising the heat and power energy system and integrating renewable energy into the LIES. The framework aims to minimise the heat and power utility costs of the system. Total Site Heat Integration (TSHI) was used to determine the maximum heat recovery between several plants through utility system, while Power Pinch Analysis (PoPA) concept was used to determine the amount of outsourced electricity required to fulfil the power demand of the local area. A new tool is extended from TSHI analysis to estimate the cogeneration potential from steam system using steam turbines. A case study is demonstrated in this work, which integrates industrial plants, a hotel, and a residential area with renewables power sources. Six scenarios were simulated in the case study to explore the importance for integrating cogeneration system, heat storage and battery storage to the energy system of a local area. The result showed that a system with cogeneration greatly contributes to energy saving of a LIES system without energy storage. Scenario with battery storage eliminated the needs of outsourcing electricity. Scenario with heat storage reduced the amount of natural gas needed for heat demand but it also reduced the amount of power can be cogenerated. However, if the amount of energy excess is sufficient to overcome the energy losses, the heat and power storage can be beneficial to the system. Based on the results, LIES is an important concept to fully maximise the energy usage of a local area and minimise the non-renewable resources required to fulfil the heat and power demand of a local area.