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Costel Ceocea    
Bogdan Nichifor    
Laura Timiras    


In the context in which globalization generates chain reactions, the economic disturbances generated by the Covid-19 crisis are encountered at the global, European and of course regional level and, due to the novelty of the manifestation of the crisis, the capacity of known economic models to provide quick solutions in this context has proved to be limited. Most of the economic imbalances that have occurred are not due to the epidemic itself, but to the measures taken to prevent the spread of this virus. Attempts are being made globally to identify exit scenarios from the crisis. Such scenarios are the result of individual and collective action by states affected by the pandemic. Obviously, the results are different depending on the characteristics, potential, commitment of each of the states / areas affected by the economic crisis and can be evaluated in term of efficiency only after the trigger factor will cease to exist.  

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