The development of multimodal hubs is a sensitive task due to numerous parallel occurring processes and external dependencies. There are already isolated solutions available that mostly suffer from a holistic approach. Based on the results of a predecessor research study one objective of the ongoing research project OPTIHUBS is to identify integrated solutions for multimodal hub process optimization via micro simulation technologies for optimizing administrative, operational und logistic processes at inland waterway hubs. Based on the representation of various processes, flexible parameters for transport flows, handling volumes and traffic movements the requirements for existing and potential product groups/cargo types at multimodal nodes are compiled. They form the basis for an optimized workflow management scheme which is not described in this paper. Process parameters are retrieved via observations, terminal data analysis and interviews. Furthermore real-world hub processes are recorded and supplemented. Algorithms are developed based on a catalogue of requirements issued by the research project consortium. The micro simulation tool consists of several elements that allow alterations of parameters such as transport flows, handling volumes/processes and process/time restrictions. In addition the surrounding road/rail/water traffic environment is part of the simulation in order to allow analysis of interdependencies. Results from the simulation exercises will be used at a later point in time in project delivery in order to define a strategy concept for an efficient supply chain/bottleneck analysis.