A set-theoretical approach is presented for a multi-objective control design of the local ramp metering problem. Two control objectives are specified: first, the optimization of traffic performance, by the minimization of total time spent. Second, the emission factor of CO2 is minimized. The optimal state for traffic emission however lies in the unstable domain of the system. To resolve this inconsistency, the control problem is formalized in a set-theoretical context. For this purpose, the nonlinear METANET model is rewritten in a shifted coordinate frame in a parameter-varying, polytopic representation. Bounds on state-, input- and disturbance variables are expressed by convex polytopes. These sets are then used for the design of an interpolated H8 controller that is capable of improving traffic conditions according to the prescribed multi-objective criteria. Different control allocation methods are compared with non-linear model predictive control stategy, in order to illustrate the proposed methodology.