The built environment with respect to building envelope designs and the surrounding micro-environment significantly affects building energy use. The influence of the inter-building effect (IBE) on building energy use cannot be ignored and thermal properties of building envelopes also largely affect building energy use. In order to evaluate the influence of IBE and its relation with highly-reflective (HR) building envelopes on building energy use, the building energy use under three simulated scenarios was quantitatively analyzed using the building energy optimization software ?BEopt? for five cities of Japan. Analysis indicated that when the simulated building is neighbored by other buildings, an envelope coated with HR material is more effective than lowly-reflective (LR) material to reduce building energy use. A simulated single building without surrounding buildings and a LR envelope has the highest building energy use among the three simulated scenarios. This study also showed the influence of IBE on building energy savings is stronger in cities with lower latitudes.