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Cross-asset Risk Assessment on Network Level

Roland Spielhofer    
Alfred Weninger-Vycudil    
Mark Oldfield    
Goran Mladenovic    
... Hans Litzka    


The CEDR-project ?X-ARA ? Cross-Asset-Risk-Assessment? aims at the development of a comprehensive framework for the network level assessment of asset risks and impacts. A literature review on risk assessment in road asset management has been carried out and several European road administrations have been interviewed on the current practice of risk assessment in their asset management procedures. Based on asset-specific risk assessment considering pavement, structures, drainage, tunnels, road furniture and geotechnical assets, a procedure for the transformation and accumulation of these risks onto network level is an essential part of the project. X-ARA will enable a road administration to execute a risk-based assessment and comparison of different maintenance strategies on network level, and then ?overlay? the effects of broad influencing factors to assess ?what if? outcomes. In considering a bottom-up-approach (from object level to network-level) the risk can be calculated and finally cumulated by using asset-specific information, which are available for most of the European road administrations.

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