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Inicio  /  Energies  /  Vol: 4 Núm: 7Pages1 Par: July (2011)  /  Artículo

Improved Bagging Algorithm for Pattern Recognition in UHF Signals of Partial Discharges

Tianyan Jiang    
Jian Li    
Yuanbing Zheng and Caixin Sun    


This paper presents an Improved Bagging Algorithm (IBA) to recognize ultra-high-frequency (UHF) signals of partial discharges (PDs). This approach establishes the sample information entropy for each sample and the re-sampling process of the traditional Bagging algorithm is optimized. Four typical discharge models were designed in the laboratory to simulate the internal insulation faults of power transformers. The optimized third order Peano fractal antenna was applied to capture the PD UHF signals. Multi-scale fractal dimensions as well as energy parameters extracted from the decomposed signals by wavelet packet transform were used as the characteristic parameters for pattern recognition. In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, the back propagation neural network (BPNN) and the support vector machine (SVM) based on the IBA were adopted in this paper to carry out the pattern recognition for PD UHF signals. Experimental results show that the proposed approach of IBA can effectively enhance the generalization capability and also improve the accuracy of the recognition for PD UHF signals.

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