This paper explains how a new concept with cooperative self-declaring of truck weight may reduce time lost for trucks at control stations as well as improve the traffic controls for public authority. The truck voluntarily shares its weight and identity with a roadside station that in turn shares the info with a dedicated back office system. The back office system controls the weight and checks the administrative registers for traffic remarks, insurance and public fees. The work is done in cooperation by NPRA and Volvo Trucks under the European project MOBiNET. MOBiNET is ?the Internet of (Transport and) Mobility?. It is an Internet-based network linking travellers, transport users, transport system operators, service providers, content providers and transport infrastructure. It connects users (people, businesses, objects) with suppliers (operators, providers, systems), and brokers (or helps to broker their interactions). At its core is a ?platform? providing tools and utilities to enable those interactions, with components both for users and for suppliers.