The Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) Map is an element to guide the planning of contingency. Road transport is the main vectors in accidents which cause oil spilling in the environment. Since terrestrial environments do not have their environmental sensitivity index, as the marine environment have. Current analysis forwards a proposal for mapping environmental sensitivity to oil and oil derivatives spills in terrestrial environments. Four factors have been included in the Environmental Sensitivity Index Maps: (1) biological resources; (2) socioeconomic mosaic; (3) land cover; (4) Terrestrial Environmental Sensitivity Index (TESI). ESI maps were prepared in five pilot areas for the Rodovia dos Tamoios, state of São Paulo, Brazil, featuring intermediary class TESI, diversity in socio-economic activities, land cover and constant presence of fauna. Adequacy for sensitivity in terrestrial environments triggers the systematization of an efficient, fast and simple production index.