This study analyzed the external factors that influence the yield obtained from photovoltaic modules (Solarex® - MSX 56), as solar irradiance, temperature, placement angle and dust deposition on the photovoltaic modules installed at the facilities of the Medianeira campus of the UTFPR, working under real conditions. To obtain the data it was used a datalogger from Campbell Scientific, Inc, model CR23X. It was observed that under solar irradiance below 550 W m-2 the panel did not convert maximum power, and above this value the panel reached saturation levels. Temperature increase led to reduced voltage, and consequently lower module output power, decreasing the efficiency value by nearly 6% at temperatures 15oC above the Standard Test Conditions (STC) temperature. These panels are usually placed at different angles according to local latitude, remaining fixed in that position. In comparison with a horizontally-placed panel, it was obtained a 4-hour increase in yield when the panel reached saturation value. Dust levels reduced electricity production levels by approximately 16%. These factors must be taken into account for placement and maintenance of photovoltaic systems, so they can function efficiently.