Few studies have reported on how customer value is co-created in healthcare service delivery, and its effect on patients’ perceptions of wellbeing. It is important to examine physician-patient interaction in the context of a healthcare sector characterized by complex, specialized services and to determine how value is thereby co-created. This study’s purpose is to investigate the potential impact of patient participation through physicians’ resource offering on patient experiential value and wellbeing. Data was collected through a questionnaire survey of actual patients in South Korea, whose responses were analyzed via structural equation using IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 22.0. IBM Corp.: Armonk, NY, USA. The results indicate that physicians provide significant affective and cognitive resources to patients; in turn, patients are actively involved in the medical encounter process. These co-creation activities lead to increases in patients’ experiential value and perceived wellbeing. Patients’ play a major role in problem-solving, and service providers contribute resources such as professional expertise and affective care. Healthcare service providers can refer to the service process model proposed herein and aim to maximize patients’ roles and use of their resources for patients’ wellbeing.