Melik ERTUGRUL, Asst. Prof. Dr.
Pág. 151 - 172
As a part of improvements in accounting standards, other comprehensive income (OCI) has been the common income reporting practice since 2009. By considering the adaptation value of Burgstahler and Dichev (1997) and Hayn?s (1995) arguments on loss firms, ...
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Abdelmounaim Lahrech,Sami Zaki Alabdulwahab,Safaâ Bouayach
Pág. 248 - 255
This study examines the existence of a correlation between the Brand Image of a country and its FDI Inflows. Furthermore, does the Brand Image of a country have a positive impact on its FDI inflows? To proceed to the object of the study, we use a panel m...
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Lisa Gusmanita,Nury Effendi,Rudi Kurniawan
Pág. 18 - 32
Abstract: The global economic turmoil on domestic economy was seen in 1997/1998 crisis which led to Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia implementing Inflation Targeting (IT). Empirically, IT was able to reduce foreign...
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Amanj Mohamed Ahmed,Muhammad Nawzad Ali
This research was carried out to determine the weight of taxation in economic development, the main purpose is to discover the level of impact of taxation on economic development or if it has any impact. Another key objective is to improve the level of u...
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Fauzi Thalib,Herdiyana Herdiyana,Ayi Wahid
Pág. 87 - 95
This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of corporate tax rate, non-debt tax shield, investment opportunity set, profitability, and sales growth to the level of debt (leverage) on real estate and property companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exch...
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