This study examined the strategies that should be employed in snake conservation as well as the roles that snakes play in ecosystem engineering. The sample size for this study was 12; 12 respondents with expertise on the elements of study from selected institutions of practice. Four research questions together with one null hypothesis were formulated to guide the study. The instruments adopted for this study were ?naturalistic observations? and a well ?structured questionnaire.? The observations were made following a consistently instigated order for a period of about four months while the questionnaire were administered to the respondents through purposive sampling technique. The researchers also analyzed the data collected using simple percentages and Pearson Product Moment Correlation of Relationship. The results of the analyses testified to the fact that snake conservation, in particular reference to Uyo Local Government Area, has a significant relationship with ecosystem engineering. Based on this authentic result, about 5 snake species were discovered to be common snake species in the study area, moreover, about 3 natural snake habitats were also delineated and appropriately mapped out. Thus, the researcher recommended among other things that the various highlighted strategies should be employed in the study area and that if snakes are conserved in the state, ecosystems will be modified and improved for the benefit of all components.