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Inicio  /  Coatings  /  Vol: 6 Núm: 1 Par: March (2016)  /  Artículo

On Modulating Interfacial Structure towards Improved Anti-Icing Performance

Kshitij C. Jha    
Emmanuel Anim-Danso    
Selemon Bekele    
George Eason and Mesfin Tsige    


The design of anti-icing surfaces presents an interface with high causal density that has been challenging to quantify in terms of individual contributions of various interactions and environmental factors. In this commentary, we highlight the role of interfacial water structure as uniquely expressing the physico-chemical aspects of ice accretion. Recent work on the topic that focuses on control of interfacial structure is discussed along with results by our research group on wettability of chemically modified surfaces and the role of ions in modulating interfacial structure. Suggestions for systematic studies to understand the fundamental interactions at play in ice adhesion at interfaces are made especially in the under-explored areas of cooperative hydrogen bonding and the role of solvated counterions. Insights expected from such studies would contribute to design of robust anti-icing hierarchies.

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