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Inicio  /  Aerospace  /  Vol: 10 Par: 10 (2023)  /  Artículo

A Methodology for Assessing Capacity of the Terminal Maneuvering Area Based on Service Resource Equilibrium

Qifeng Mou    
Ze Yang and Liming Zhang    


To effectively estimate and optimize the airport terminal maneuvering area throughput based on the equilibrium of air traffic service resource supply and demand, this research proposes an approach to assess terminal maneuvering area capacity from the perspective of air traffic service resource availability. Terminal maneuvering area capacity is optimized based on the equilibrium of air traffic service resource supply and demand. The supply?demand nexus is examined in consideration of terminal maneuvering area route structure, traffic flow characteristics, and safety regulations. A flight service probability matrix and a terminal maneuvering area demand and supply service time model are constructed to quantify resource expenditure at varied capacity levels. An optimization model is then developed to allocate the airport resources effectively, fully utilizing the capacity to provide maximal outputs under resource limitations. Model computation and simulation results demonstrate the deviation between estimated and amended capacities is under 0.3 flight sorties per hour. The outcomes are congruent with historical statistics, thereby validating the accuracy and reliability of the model proposed in this study. Given capacity parameters, the model can deduce the maximal aircraft quantity served concurrently in terminal maneuvering areas during peak periods. These revelations indicate that the submitted model furnishes theoretical foundation and reference for terminal maneuvering area sector partition and traffic alerting.

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