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Inicio  /  Aerospace  /  Vol: 10 Par: 3 (2023)  /  Artículo

Adaptive Division and Analysis Data Extraction of Air-Cooled Turbine Blade for Pipe Network Calculation

Tian Wang    
Zhenbo Liu    
Jixing Li    
Yu Liu    
Xingyu Ma and Jiong Yang    


Manually preparing the data for the analysis of the calculation of a pipe network of air-cooled turbine blades is inefficient. In this paper, a method to adaptively divide the blade model and extract data of the flow units is proposed. In this method, the topological lines of the flow channels for the calculations of the pipe network were extracted based on the simulatedfluid flow. The abstracted lines of the fluid flow area were used to replace the manual interpretation of expertsto realize the adaptive division of the flow units and to understand the connection relationship of the units and the layout of the spatial network. In addition, by establishing a basic flow unit library and constructing a specific algorithm, we quickly extracted the data from the typical flow units. Finally, the proposed method and algorithm were verified with a representative case study. The results illustrated that our method could cut down the pre-processing in the calculation of the pipe network of air-cooled turbine blades to several minutes from the several hours required for the manual method while providing reliable quality.

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