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Inicio  /  Aerospace  /  Vol: 6 Par: 9 (2019)  /  Artículo

A Test-Bed For Measuring UAS Servo Reliability

AbdElRahman ElSaid    
Daniel Adjekum    
John Nordlie and Fatima El Jamiy    


Extant literature suggests minimal research on the reliability of Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components used in fabricating non-military Unmanned Aerial System (UAS). Stochastic failures of components during operational cycles over time poses a safety hazard to flight operations. The purpose of the study was to critically assess the operational performance standards (reliability) of a laboratory designed UAS component test-bed operated using real-world data collected from a Boeing Scan Eagle® UAS aileron servo unit via a flight data recorder. The study hypothesized that the test-bed?s reliability, in terms of a measured encoder output of commanded servo positions, will not be significantly different after double and triple periods of time for continuous operations compared to a base-line mean position. Results suggested that test-bed operated within reliability criteria for a baseline period but there were significant differences in the mean of the reliability after the operational cycles were doubled and tripled in time. This study adds to paucity of extant research on UAS COTS reliability and recommends further studies on reliability of other small UAS components within periods of time.

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