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Inicio  /  Aerospace  /  Vol: 9 Par: 9 (2022)  /  Artículo

Spectrum of Corona Discharges and Electric Arcs in Air under Aeronautical Pressure Conditions

Jordi-Roger Riba    


Due to the increase in electrical power demand, future more electric and all-electric aircraft designs will operate at higher voltage levels compared to current aircraft. Due to higher voltage levels and reduced operating pressure, insulation systems will be at risk. Air is the main insulating medium, and it is well known that its dielectric strength decreases considerably with operating pressure. Although electrical discharges can be detected by different techniques, optical methods are very attractive due to their sensitivity and immunity to acoustic and electromagnetic noise typical of aeronautical environments. This work analyzes the UV-visible spectrum of corona discharges and electric arcs in the 10?100 kPa pressure range, which covers most of the aeronautical applications, due to the lack of experimental data for this pressure range. The data presented in this work are important to select the most suitable optical sensors to detect electrical discharges at an early stage, before significant damage occurs. This approach will help implement preventive maintenance plans and increase aircraft safety. The results presented in this paper can also be applied to other areas, such as monitoring of discharges in power lines, particularly those located in high-altitude regions.

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