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A model of an economic efficiency evaluation system of a maritime container supply chain

Jedrzej Charlampowicz    


Containerization was one of the catalysts of the globalization processes that took place in the 20th century. Nowadays container shipping is one of the main transport modes in the global economy. The ability to connect distant production centres with consumption centres largely influenced the acceleration of the global trade. Due to the globalization and characteristics of the global trade it is almost impossible to perceive global supply chains without maritime transport. Although the efficiency of the supply chain is a crucial factor of the economic perspective of supply chain management, not much space is devoted to that issue in the literature. The main purpose of this paper is to design and develop a model of an economic efficiency evaluation system of maritime container supply chains. Some general research methods, such as a critical literature review and methods of logical reasoning were used to achieve this goal. Additionally some economic modelling methods were adapted. The presented model is developing the current state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of economic efficiency evaluation of supply chains. Unfortunately this model could not be confronted with real business data due to research limitations.

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