Smartphones are used in a variety of activities, including social networking, messaging, connectivity and context-sensitive applications. The ubiquities of handheld computer technology have been found to be very useful, especially in flood training applications. This study describes the utilization of the ICT such as a smartphone as a tool in helping to convey the disaster training to communities in Malaysia. Smartphones are used as the medium between the community organizations in promoting the training provided to the public, as well as providing training services to the community about the importance of disaster training. The aim of this paper is to propose a one stop center disaster training information management through smartphone application called ?MyDisasterTraining?. ?MyDisasterTraining? application is a center database and contains the information about flood disaster training in the Malaysian context. It is a simple, user-friendly, and a low cost application which is a mobile application to be used by the third parties training providers, organizations or individuals. It aims to spread the awareness on the availability of disaster training to the society as well as to inculcate voluntarily workforce during the need of the disaster. The benefits of this mobile application can also to be use in other scope such as tourism, management activities, disaster and logistics (Rosnita, 2013). In this paper, the roles of ICT are described in the context of disseminating the training information to the society, especially on the training of flood disaster. The features and benefits of the application are also described and explained in this paper.