Competition policy starts by shaping a legislative framework. This is aimed to establish boundaries for conducting competition and also sets limits of licit and illicit demarcation, for competitive and anticompetitive practices. The Romanian Competition Law has a divalent approach and it aims to provide specific behavioral conditions in order to stimulate and protect free-market competition, with the ultimate goal of developing a balanced, efficient and competitive economy. Our country?s Competition policy is based on punishing the behavior. There are three such types of anti-competitive behavior, namely: agreements between undertakings, abuse of dominant position and mergers and other concentrations between undertakings. Recent Practice proved that this ?enforcement-conduct-punishment? structure is not necessary the best way to address competition and it is high time for authorities to switch both regulation and enforcement of competition from the ?classical perspective? towards concepts like ?competition advocacy? and ?soft power? and give competition policy a new, reshaped face.