This article continues the series of papers on the use of formal ontologies. Today, in the overwhelming majority of cases, much of the world's information exists in textual form: business documents, etc. It was in this historical form that a person kept his knowledge lived and worked. Today, text documents are digitized, retaining the same appearance. Such a rapid increase in the number of digital texts causes an increase in the need for text analytics and raises the question of finding ?smart? ways to read and understand texts, and, ultimately, the question of obtaining knowledge from them. The paper deals with the semantic web, RDF and SPARQL. It presents a detailed discussion of the technology platform PoolParty Semantic Suite. Semantically and ontologically extended texts open a new era of content use. Using text analytics and Web 2.0 technologies, a huge amount of content scattered in various forms in documents of different formats is converted into enriched, transformed and managed information fragments. Thus, machines are not only able to process long computational strings of characters and index large amounts of data, but they can also store, manage, and retrieve information based on their meaning and logical relationships between things in knowledge. Ontologies and semantics add another layer to the new Internet and can show related things, facts and objects instead of just matching words.