Abstrak: Determinan True Discount dan Market Reactions Penawaran Saham. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji beberapa variabel sebagai determinan initial return penawaran saham perdana. Initial return dihitung dalam dua komponen, true discount dan market reaction. Determinan true discount dan market reactions dipilih berdasarkan hipotesis asimetri informasi dan hipotesis aftermarket liquidity. Total sampel yang dikumpulkan mencakup 40 penawaran saham perdana periode 2005-2008. Teknik analisis data menggunakan regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ukuran perusahaan, umur dan persentase saham yang ditawarkan ke publik berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap true discount. Selain itu hasil regresi juga mengindikasikan bahwa likuditas yang diharapkan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan, sedangkan risiko likuiditas dan volatilitas pasar sekunder masing-masing berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap market reaction. Kata kunci: penawaran perdana, underpricing, true discount, market reaction Abstract: Determinants of True Discount and Market Reactions of Initial Public Offering. This research aims to test some variables as determinants of initial return of initial public offering. The initial return is estimated in two components, the true discount of the offer price as well as the market reactions on the listing. Determinants of true discount and market reactions are chosen based on asymmetric information hypotheses and aftermarket liquidity hypotheses. The total samples collected are 40 IPOs from the period 2005-2008. Data analysis method was conducted through multiple linear regression. The study shows that company size, stocks? age and percentage of stocks offered to public have significant and positive impact on true discount. Besides that, the regression result indicates that expected liquidity gave significant and positive impact, while liquidity risk and aftermarket volatility have significant and negative impact on market reaction. Keywords: initial public offering, underpricing, true discount, market reaction