The subject of the article is the definition of the concept of reliability of each project performer, as well as the project team, is one of the integral characteristics of the project's success. The goal of the article is to reveal the importance and place of the project team and the participants on the behavioral competencies of the project management specialist. The objectives of the study are, first, to show that the reliability of the project team is one of the important characteristics of a project management specialist in the formation and development of an effective project team. Second, the concept of the reliability of the project executors and the project team will be intended in two ways. First of them concerns psychological and psychophysiological factors, while the other concerns moral and psychological factors such as compulsory, discipline, benevolence, prudence, etc. Third, it is necessary to show two approaches to determining the concept of the reliability of the project team. The methods of the study are to involve the analysis of the role of reliability in the system of the behavioral competencies in the process of forming an effective project team. Second, the definition of quantitative indicators of reliability of each particular employee, accordingly, the team as a whole, using expert assessments. Third, the reliability of a person, whether it is a manager or just an ordinary performer, involves the mandatory presence of his certain features and qualities. Results. The reliability of the project team is a key indicator of its ability to execute project tasks properly in accordance with the customer's requirements. The reliability should be considered as an integral characteristic of the project team quality in project management and its ability to successfully execute project tasks. Conclusions. First, the reliability of the project team determines its ability not only to perform its standard functions and tasks properly under normal conditions, but also to maintain firmness and high efficiency in complex problem situations and successfully overcome them, fulfilling the timely, with due quality and within the budget. Second, the reliability of the performers and the project team as a whole determines the attitude to work and responsibilities, the perception of belonging to the team, responsibility, correct behavior, discipline, responsibility and the willingness to help another member of the team.