A mathematical model and methodology has been developed to determine the optimal amount of means of a fire-prevention system for protecting warehouses in enclosed spaces, on the basis of which it is possible to determine measures to improve this system, taking into account the value of the probability of its failure acceptable for the warehouse. The essence of the developed methodology is to determine the required number of fire protection equipment in accordance with the standards, to determine the probability of failure of fire protection and to determine the optimal number of fire protection equipment to ensure the value of the probability of failure within acceptable limits. The optimization criteria selected direct losses from the fire and the costs of fire and rescue units to extinguish it. The function of the goal of this model is to reduce the probability of failure of the fire system of the object to a value less than or equal to the permissible. The input data when using the mathematical model is the estimated number of fire protection equipment in accordance with the norms and standards.The developed methodology allows predicting the probability of failure of the fire system to implement the fire safety of the objects of protection and its consequences for people and material values, which is very important to ensure the possibility of quick response in case of fire. Also, the result of applying the technique is the optimal amount of firefighting equipment at the facility, providing an acceptable value for the probability of failures. This technique is applied on the example of an existing logistic warehouse on which fire protection systems are mounted. Simulation results show that at the facility it is necessary to increase the number of fire detectors up to 70 pieces, smoke control devices ? up to 3 pieces, vertical curtains ? up to 4, equip aeration lamps in the amount of 4 pieces, and increase the number of evacuation exits - up to 10