The subject matter of the study is the theoretical and methodological provisions, components, methods and tools for assessing and enhancing innovative creativity. The goal of the article is to improve the methodological provisions for assessing the innovative creativity of industrial enterprises, taking into account their creative potential and dynamic abilities and to substantiate recommendations on strategic directions for enhancing innovative creativity. To achieve the goal of the scientific study, the following tasks were set and solved: to determine the role of the creative potential and dynamic abilities of an enterprise in providing competitive advantages; to summarize indicators of the assessment of the creative potential and dynamic abilities of industrial enterprises; to improve the methodological provisions for assessing the innovative creativity of an industrial enterprise; to improve the recommendations for increasing the level of the innovative creativity of enterprises basing on its available level at the enterprise. The target topic was studied with the help of the following methods: analysis, synthesis, factor analysis, induction and deduction, systematizing and modelling; graphical method. The following results are obtained. The factor analysis made it possible to identify indicators with significant impact on the index of the innovative creativity of an enterprise. The selected indicators are suggested for determining the integral indicators of creative potential and dynamic abilities. The methodological support is improved and the algorithm for assessing the level of the innovative creativity of industrial enterprises which consists of three main stages is suggested. Conclusions. The strategies for developing the innovative creativity of an enterprise are worked out; they should be used depending on the results of the assessment of the integral indicators of creative potential and dynamic abilities. The methodological support for assessing the innovative creativity of industrial enterprises was improved as well as the system of particular indicators taking into account their importance and the overall integral which takes into account the creative and dynamic activity of an enterprise. The innovative creativity of machine-building enterprises of the Kharkiv region according to the improved methodology is analyzed and the strategies for increasing the innovative creativity are suggested. According to the analysis conducted in 2017, most companies have a sufficiently high level of the creative potential and a low level of dynamic abilities development.