AbstractThe close interdependence between corporate strategy and manpower planning in the formulation and implementation of strategic plans for a healthy, viable organization is discussed. Strategy is more than products, markets and finance - the crucial role of people is gaining increasing recognition. The key aspects of strategy formulation are discussed: corporate objectives and culture, analysis of internal strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the environment, identification of potential future strategies and matching these with the company, leading to the choice of a strategy. Manpower planning elements are vital in all these steps: identification of the organization's culture and objectives, preparation of a human capability inventory, and the provision of the human resources needed to implement the strategy chosen, as well as the key areas of organizational design, reward systems, management development and leadership.Die noue onderlinge afhanklikheid tussen ondernemingstrategie en mannekragbeplanning in die formulering en implementering van strategiese planne vir 'n gesonde, lewensvatbare organisasie word bespreek. Strategie is meer as produkte, markte en finansiering - die bepalende rol van mense geniet toenemende erkenning. Die sleutelaspekte van strategieformulering word bespreek: ondernemingsdoelwitte en -kultuur, ontleding van interne sterktes en swakhede, geleenthede en bedreigings in die omgewing, identifisering van potensiele toekomstige strategiee en die verenigbaarheid daarvan met die maatskappy, wat lei tot die keuse van 'n strategie. Elemente van mannekragbeplanning is krities in al hierdie stappe: identifisering van die organisasie se kultuur en doelwitte, voorbereiding van 'n inventaris van menslike bekwaamhede, en die verskaffing van die menslike hulpbronne wat nodig is om die gekose strategie te implementeer, asook die sleutelareas van organisasie-ontwerp, beloningstelsels, bestuursontwikkeling en leierskap.