The present paper reviews seventy three articles published in sixteen issuesof the Journal of Knowledge Globalization (JKG), a multidisciplinaryjournal in order to determine the contemporary knowledge pursuits of globalscholars. The articles published in JKG have followed 10 tracks developedex-post- from 316 keywords. The tracks are: corporate social responsibility,education, emerging economic power, environment, finance, innovation andinformation technology, knowledge sharing, management issues, socialvalues and cultures, and tools applications /application of tools. The paperhighlights the key issues and findings of these papers, to determine theinterests and directions of research by the knowledge globalizationcommunity in these track areas during the eight year period from 2018-2016. Discussions and the findings of this paper do not provide scopes forgeneralization, though it may give some indications about the directions andinterests of scholars in their pursuits of knowledge in the global arena.