The subject of the article is the study of modern trends in personnel safety of the enterprise. The purpose of the work is to study trends and approaches to ensuring personnel safety of the enterprise in modern economic conditions. The article solves the following tasks: research of economic essence of the concept of personnel safety of the enterprise; construction of the mechanism of ensuring personnel safety of the enterprise. The following methods are used: methods of induction and deduction - in the study of the concept of "personnel safety of the enterprise", observation and generalization ? to build a mechanism for ensuring personnel safety of the enterprise, the method of scientific generalization ? for the formulation of conclusions. The following scientific results were obtained: it was determined that the personnel safety of the enterprise is a concept more than its identification with the state of protection of the enterprise from risks and threats from its personnel. It is concluded that the safety of personnel safety of the enterprise is directed on preservation and development of its human resources, the strategy of economic security of a business entity to ensure the efficiency of all areas of its business activities in the context of risks and threats to different levels of environmental functioning. Developed a mechanism to ensure the personnel safety of an enterprise, which is the process of preserving, strengthening and development of its human resources, which is implemented in the stages of employment safety employees and safety in the sphere of the layoffs of personnel service of the business entity and its safety service with the aim of identifying bottlenecks and threats, and the leveling and elimination of problems through the transmission of information to executives for further development of measures to increase loyalty and cohesion of the team. Conclusion: the implementation of the mechanism for ensuring personnel safety of the enterprise will allow performing tasks to ensure its stable operation and sustainable development.