This study aims to develop and evaluate mobile laboratory MyARAS based multimedia application for implementing the process control skills among students. Early analysis finds out activity experiment which helps in students to understand process control have problem such as schedule of lab distracted for maintenance and large number of students doing lab simultaneously. There are three objectives of this study specifically collect exposure of laboratory activity, developed software mobile laboratory and examines the usability of software MyARAS in process control skill application. ADDIE instructional design model was used in the process of developing the MyARAS. The study consisted of three phases. The first phase of the study was to collect information on the laboratory exposure and suitable design of laboratory. 24 students still not exposed to mobile lab application while the other 52 students agreed to choose mobile lab as their practical lab. the concepts and skills in the software developed by cognitive and constructive. Unity program was used for development of MyARAS. The third phase assess the usability of the software developed which involve lecturers and group of students. Data were collected by using the checklist. Usability evaluation of the prototype was conducted on the prototype MyARAS by distributing questionnaires to the chemical engineering students of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Process control result compared to conventional lab has found to be less than 10% error shown the acceptable efficiency. Usability criteria evaluated are the display screen, content, multimedia, software and overall perception. The evaluation shows that the prototype has good usability (criteria mean of more than 4.00). This research has built software MyARAS that can help students to conduct experiments similar to their practical laboratory. MyARAS definitely makes learning easier and interesting with contextual and simulation approaches, together with the help of visual and audio.