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Sistemiese omgewingsinvloede vereis 'n langtermynbenadering tot ondernemingsbeplanning

C. H. Boshoff    


AbstractCorporate planning with due consideration to the interaction between the firm and its environment is of great importance. Several developments make it essential that planning be more future-oriented, and take longer periods into consideration. Due to the changeability of, and interaction among factors, future-oriented corporate planning also requires a multidimensional knowledge of and approach to the variety of elements concerned. Consequently the nature of the planning process becomes more systemic or integrate. Factors which have contributed to the change include the influence of accelerated product and technology dynamics, the increase in capital intensive production processes, the rise of the professional manager, the advent of the modern multi-objective corporation, and consciousness of the social responsibility of the firm. It differs in several ways from mechanistic and fragmented short-term planning, and requires thorough knowledge and consideration of the likely future development of the interacting dimensions and factors. In this way it has led to the development of Futurology.Ondernemingsbeplanning met inagneming van die wisselwerking tussen die onderneming en sy omgewing is van groot belang. Verskeie ontwikkelings maak dit noodsaaklik dat beplanning meer toekomsgerig is en langer termyne in aanmerking neem. Weens die veranderlikheld van, en wisselwerking tussen faktore, vereis toekomsgerigte ondernemingsbeplanning ook 'n multi-dimensionele kennis van en benadering tot die verskeidenheid van betrokke elemente. Gevolglik word die beplanningsproses meer sistemles of integrerend van aard. Faktore wat tot die verandering bygedra het sluit in die invloed van versnelde produk- en tegniekdinamika, die toename in kapitaalintensiewe produksieprosesse, die opkoms van die professionele bestuurder, die opkoms van die moderne meerdoelige onderneming, en die bewustheid van die sosiale verantwoordelikheld van die onderneming. Dit verskil op verskeie maniere van meganiese en gefragmenteerde korttermynbeplanning, en vereis deeglike kennis en oorweging van die toekomsverloop van die wisselwerkende dimensies en faktore. So het dit gelei tot die opkoms van die Futurologie.

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