This study examines the impact of planning in thebusiness operations in competitive environment. Globalization isseriously transforming and reshaping the operations,performance and future of businesses. As the world isintegrating new challenges and opportunities were emerging dueto competition, technological advances, and globalization, thesegenerate amazing trouble changes in the operations ofbusinesses, they were collapsing and falling, new ones werecoming and bubbling up in the environment that didnâ??t existjust few years ago. This paper studies the need for businessmanagers to ensure that they understood the significant andimpact of planning as a guide and foundation of businesses andas a determinant of its survival, success and growth. Theyshould start upwith virtuous plans that will state their vision,mission, and objectives such would equip and prepare them toface globalization, technological advances and competition.Planning gave managers an insight to be aware of theirenvironmental conditions and challenges facing their businessorganization and to forecast future conditions and its success.