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Maritime port pricing and governance in South Africa: trends and stakeholder comments

Sanele Gumede    
Mihalis Chasomeris    


AbstractThis study assesses trends and stakeholder comments on maritime port pricing and governance in South Africa. Content analysis is used to analyse Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) tariff applications, Ports Regulator records of decision and stakeholder comments for 2010 to 2012. The study gathers data on port pricing from 1999-2012 and uses descriptive statistics to analyse the trends in port pricing. The findings show the distinctiveness of South Africa?s complementary system of ports and its uniform pricing policy. The ports are financed and managed using a mix of elements from the European and Asian port doctrines, whereas the pricing methodology appears to follow the Anglo-Saxon doctrine. A port doctrine should be developed that would be consistent with the country?s vision and policies.

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