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Using Modern Education Technique in Wasit University

Abdul Hadi Alaidi    
Omar Yahya    
Haider TH.Salim Alrikabi    


This New learning educational methods, which depending on Learning Management System (LMS), have been used by universities in the top education universities in the world. However, most of the Iraqi universities use the traditional education methods in the classroom. The purpose of this study was to examine the benefit of using LMS in higher education.  This study shows how to implement and use modern educational techniques in Engineering College of Wasit University. This paper shows that using modern education tools in the class lead to increase the productivity of student, save time with less effort for instructors with high accuracy of exam results. In addition, using LMS system allows students to obtain more information in a short time. Moreover, this system gives students an opportunity to interact with the instructor and among themselves. The findings show the benefits of integrating LMS in higher education and recommend other institutions to implement it.

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