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A Model of How Children Acquire Computing Skills from Hole-in-the-Wall Computers in Public Places

Ritu Dangwal    
Swati Jha    
Shiffon Chatterjee    
Sugata Mitra    


This paper explores the possibility of constructing a ?minimally invasive? learning model from the results of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) Icon Association Inventory (devised by Dangwal and Inamdar [Mitra 2003]). We discuss the results obtained from four playground (hole-in-the-wall) computer kiosk sites in southern India, made freely available to children, without supervision, for nine months. Computing skills acquisition, as measured by the Icon Association Inventory, was plotted for each month and the learning curves are reported in the paper. The observed curves were ªtted to predicted curves to understand the rates and stages of learning. Results indicate uniform improvement in the computing skills of the children who used these kiosks.

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