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Ondernemingsvooruitskatting in die groot vervaardigingsondernemings in Suid-Afrika, 1978

Fanus C. Gous    


AbstractBusiness forecasting in the large manufacturing concerns in South Africa, 1978. Business forecasting has developed rapidly over the past few years as a result of the increasing complexity of the environment of the firm. Some overseas writers assert that the application thereof has developed more slowly than the theory connected to it: although businesses are aware of the necessity and existence of literature on the subject, it is only to a limited extent applied on an organized basis. Overseas businesses apparently experience three problems: a preference for the application of certain techniques is built up so that more suitable techniques are not utilized; not all relevant factors are taken into consideration in the choice of the most suitable technique; and managers often do forecasting themselves even though they possess little knowledge thereof. An empirical study has shown that similar problems are encountered by the relatively large manufacturing concerns in South Africa.Ondernemingsvooruitskatting het gedurende die afgelope jare, as gevolg van die toenemende kompleksiteit in die ondernemingsomgewing, vinnig ontwikkel. Sommige oorsese skrywers beweer dat die toepassing daarvan stadiger ontwikkel het as die teorie daaraan verbonde: ondernemings, alhoewel bewus van die noodsaaklikheid daarvan en ook van die bestaan van literatuur daaroor, pas dit in 'n beperkte mate op georganiseerde grondslag toe. Blykbaar ondervind oorsese ondernemings veral drie probleme: 'n voorkeur vir die toepassing van bepaalde tegnieke word opgebou sodat meer toepaslike tegnieke nie benut word nie; alle relevante faktore word nie in ag geneem by die keuse van die tegniek nie; en bestuurders doen dikwels self vooruitskatting alhoewel hulle oor weinig kennis daarvan beskik. 'n Empiriese studie het getoon dat soortgelyke probleme deur die relatief groot vervaardigingsondernemings in Suid-Afrika ondervind word.

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