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Eduardo Rodrigues de Carvalho    
Nicole Suzanne Schmelz-Roberts    
Heather Muse White    
Sophia Wilcox    
Susan Eicher    
Shawn Scott Donkin    


The objective of this study was to determine the effects of replacing high-moisture corn with glycerol on eating, resting and rumination activities of transition dairy cows. Twenty multiparous Holstein cows were paired by expected calving date and fed diets containing either glycerol or high-moisture corn once daily from -28 through +56 days relative to calving (DRTC). Glycerol was included at 11.5 and 10.8% of the ration dry matter (DM) for the pre- and post-partum diets, respectively. Cow activity (n=10 control and n=10 glycerol fed cows) was continuously videotaped for 24 hours on -17, -10, 8, 15 and 50 DRTC. Eating, resting and rumination activities from each cow were evaluated during an hour intervals beginning at 0, 1, 5.5 and 11 hours relative to feed delivery. There was no response (P>0.05) of treatment on the activities of eating, resting and rumination during the pre- and post-partum intervals. Glycerol can be recommended to replace high-moisture corn in rations fed to dairy cows during the transition period.

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