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Simplified Model of a Grid-Connection Interface Based on Power Electronic Converter for Grid Studies in Dynamic Regime

Danny Ochoa    


The paradigm change experienced by worldwide power systems has led to a massive participation of new energy agents: generation, storage, and consumption. In most cases, these agents are equipped with power electronic converters (PEC) to incorporate their energy to the grid. This reality has motivated the development of highly sophisticated and detailed PEC analytical models that accurately represent their dynamics and enable to study their impact on the grid in a simulation environment. However, when it comes to studying large-scale power systems or with all their components disaggregated, the huge computational burden required to simulate a detailed model could make these studies unfeasible. This paper proposes the design of a simplified model of a grid-connection interface based on PEC for power system analysis using MATLAB/Simulink®. The model is designed to represent, with reasonable numerical accuracy, the dynamic behavior of certain electrical variables of interest that would produce a detailed model and, at the same time, to achieve a noticeable reduction in the computation time. A comparative analysis of the numerical results, the dynamics generated, and the convergence time achieved by the two models enable to validate the proposal. These milestones make it possible to fulfill the objectives of this research.

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