The use of telecommunications for different applications for the industry electric, allow to analyze the evolution of their architecture for wired or wireless telecommunications technologies; furthermore, the offered service for each of these both options do not permit to use one specific tendency; in fact, it is important to use hybrids solutions, where several technologies coexist for each stage of smart grid. So that, technologies of telecommunications have different possibilities and services, but require of the adequate management for get an efficiently usage. Similarly the business plans in infrastructure of smart metering, with different of technologies solutions and marks warn the needed management of telecommunications in smart grid, thus obtaining access to energy optimization over buildings/homes, will be very important for adding new services, in relation to those currently offer enterprise electrical to consumer-client.As a framework for the development of this technical paper, the legal framework governing planning in Ecuador is presented, and within this context, of the electric sector planning. The main guidelines, policies, objectives and goals of the planning of the distribution of electricity, and the results of the Roadmap of Smart Grids in Ecuador, are presented; highlighting the feasibility and priority given to the development of the telecommunications infrastructure.