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Inicio  /  Instruments  /  Vol: 4 Par: 1 (2020)  /  Artículo

Precise Electrohydrodynamic Direct-Write Micro-Droplets Based on a Designed Sinusoidal High-Voltage AC Power

Huatan Chen    
Gaofeng Zheng    
Juan Liu    
Jiaxin Jiang    
Guoyi Kang    
Xiang Wang    
Wenwang Li and Yifang Liu    


The precise manufacturing of micro/nano structures is the key to the rapid development of flexible micro/nano systems. In this paper, a sinusoidal high-voltage alternating current (AC) power is designed for electrohydrodynamic direct-writing (EDW) technology. A push-pull converting circuit is utilized as the direct current (DC) voltage regulator power of a full-bridge inverter circuit. A single-phase full-bridge inverter circuit is used to output the controllable AC voltage, which is then boost-filtered to output the high-voltage sinusoidal AC signal. The amplitude of the output sinusoidal voltage is proportional to the input voltage and the modulation degree of the sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) inverter circuit. Then, the designed sinusoidal high-voltage AC power is used in the AC EDW process to print micro-droplets. The deposition frequency and the average diameter of droplets can be effectively controlled by adjusting the voltage amplitude and the voltage frequency. The design of this sinusoidal high-voltage AC power will promote research on the applications of EDW technology in the field of micro/nano manufacturing.

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