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Inicio  /  Instruments  /  Vol: 5 Par: 2 (2021)  /  Artículo

Commissioning of a High Pressure Time Projection Chamber with Optical Readout

Alexander Deisting    
Abigail Victoria Waldron    
Edward Atkin    
Gary Barker    
Anastasia Basharina-Freshville    
Christopher Betancourt    
Steven Boyd    
Dominic Brailsford    
Zachary Chen-Wishart    
Linda Cremonesi    
Adriana Dias    
Patrick Dunne    
Jennifer Haigh    
Philip Hamacher-Baumann    
Sebastian Jones    
Asher Kaboth    
Alexander Korzenev    
William Ma    
Philippe Mermod    
Maria Mironova    
Jocelyn Monroe    
Ryan Nichol    
Toby Nonnenmacher    
Jaroslaw Nowak    
William Parker    
Harrison Ritchie-Yates    
Stefan Roth    
Ruben Saakyan    
Nicola Serra    
Yuri Shitov    
Jochen Steinmann    
Adam Tarrant    
Melissa Uchida    
Sammy Valder    
Mark Ward and Morgan O. WasckoaddShow full author listremoveHide full author list    


The measurements of proton?nucleus scattering and high resolution neutrino?nucleus interaction imaging are key in reducing neutrino oscillation systematic uncertainties in future experiments. A High Pressure Time Projection Chamber (HPTPC) prototype has been constructed and operated at the Royal Holloway University of London and CERN as a first step in the development of a HPTPC that is capable of performing these measurements as part of a future long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment, such as the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment. In this paper, we describe the design and operation of the prototype HPTPC with an argon based gas mixture. We report on the successful hybrid charge and optical readout using four CCD cameras of signals from 241Am 241 Am sources.

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