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Inicio  /  Instruments  /  Vol: 3 Par: 3 (2019)  /  Artículo

High Repetition Rate and Coherent Free-Electron Laser in the X-Rays Range Tailored for Linear Spectroscopy

Vittoria Petrillo    
Michele Opromolla    
Alberto Bacci    
Illya Drebot    
Giacomo Ghiringhelli    
Alberto Petralia    
Ezio Puppin    
Marcello Rossetti Conti    
Andrea Renato Rossi    
Alberto Tagliaferri    
Sanae Samsam    
Luca Serafini and Giorgio Rossi    


Fine time-resolved analysis of matter?i.e., spectroscopy and photon scattering?in the linear response regime requires fs-scale pulsed, high repetition rate, fully coherent X-ray sources. A seeded Free Electron Laser (FEL) driven by a Linac based on Super Conducting cavities, generating 108" role="presentation">108108 10 8 ?1010" role="presentation">10101010 10 10 coherent photons at 2?5 keV with 0.2?1 MHz of repetition rate, can address this need. Three different seeding schemes, reaching the X-ray range, are described hereafter. The first two are multi-stage cascades upshifting the radiation frequency by a factor of 10?30 starting from a seed represented by a coherent flash of extreme ultraviolet light. This radiation can be provided either by the High Harmonic Generation of an optical laser or by an FEL Oscillator operating at 12?14 nm. The third scheme is a regenerative amplifier working with X-ray mirrors. The whole chain of the X-ray generation is here described by means of start-to-end simulations.

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