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Inicio  /  Information  /  Vol: 7 Par: 2 (2016)  /  Artículo

An Approach to the Match between Experts and Users in a Fuzzy Linguistic Environment

Ming Li and Mengyue Yuan    


Knowledge management systems are widely used to manage the knowledge in organizations. Consulting experts is an effective way to utilize tacit knowledge. The paper aims to optimize the match between users and experts to improve the efficiency of tacit knowledge-sharing. Firstly, expertise, trust and feedback are defined to characterize the preference of users for experts. Meanwhile, factors including trust, relationship and knowledge distance are defined to characterize the preference of experts for users. Then, a new method for the measurement of satisfaction based on the principle of axiomatic design is proposed. Afterwards, in order to maximize the satisfaction of both experts and users, the optimization model is constructed and the optimal solution is shown in the matching results. The evaluation results show the approach is feasible and performs well. The approach provides new insights for research on tacit knowledge-sharing. It can be applied as a tool to match experts with users in the development of knowledge management systems. The fuzzy linguistic method facilitates the expression of opinions, and as a result, the users-system interaction is improved.

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