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Inicio  /  Information  /  Vol: 12 Par: 7 (2021)  /  Artículo

A Theory of Information Trilogy: Digital Ecosystem Information Exchange Architecture

Asif Qumer Gill    


Information sharing is a critical component of a distributed and multi-actor digital ecosystem (DE). DE actors, individuals and organisations, require seamless, effective, efficient, and secure architecture for exchanging information. Traditional point-to-point and ad hoc integrations hinder the ability of DE actors to do so. The challenge is figuring out how to enable information sharing in a complex DE. This paper addresses this important research challenge and proposes the theory of information trilogy and conceptual DE information exchange architecture, which is inspired by the study of nature and flow of matter, energy, and its states in natural ecosystems. This work is a part of the large DE information framework. The scope of this paper is limited to the emerging concept of DE information exchange. The application of the DE information exchange concept is demonstrated with the help of a geospatial information sharing case study example. The results from this paper can be used by researchers and practitioners for defining the DE information exchange as appropriate to their context. This work also complements Shannon?s mathematical theory of communication.

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