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Inicio  /  Information  /  Vol: 11 Par: 3 (2020)  /  Artículo

Active Disturbance Rejection Control for DC Motor Laboratory Plant Learning Object

Mikulá? Huba    
Mária Hypiusová    
Peter Tapák and Damir Vrancic    


The paper deals with learning objects for introductory modeling of simple dynamical systems and design of controllers with disturbance observer-based integral action. They can be used to illustrate the design process of state controllers, state and disturbance observers, as well as to get in touch with a popular approach called active disturbance rejection control (ADRC). In both cases, external disturbances along with errors resulting from model inaccuracies are reconstructed using the extended state observer (ESO). In addition to simulation and design of regulators and observers in Matlab/Simulink, the learning objects focus on the development of relevant terminology and competencies in the field of simulation, modeling and experimentation in traditional laboratories, with the support of LMS Moodle and remote control. The main innovativeness of the paper is to clarify the relationship of ADRC to the traditional state space controllers design and modeling by using two types of linear models approximating controlled nonlinear systems.

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