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Inicio  /  Infrastructures  /  Vol: 6 Par: 7 (2021)  /  Artículo

Effects of the Ratio of Porosity to Volumetric Cement Content on the Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cement Bound Fine Grained Soils

Teresa Santana    
João Gonçalves    
Fernando Pinho and Rui Micaelo    


This paper presents an experimental investigation into the effects of porosity, dry density and cement content on the unconfined compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of cement-bound soil mixtures. A clayey sand was used with two different proportions of type IV Portland cement, 10% and 14% of the dry mass of the soil. Specimens were moulded with the same water content but using four different compaction efforts, corresponding to four different dry densities. Unconfined compression testing was conducted at seven days of curing time on unsoaked samples. The results showed that the compressive strength increased with the increase in cement content and with the decrease in porosity. From the experimental data, a unique relationship was found between the unconfined compressive strength and the ratio of porosity to volumetric cement content for all the mixtures and compaction efforts tested. The equation developed demonstrates that it is possible to estimate the amount of cement and the dry density to achieve a certain level of unconfined compressive strength. A normalized general equation was also found to fit other authors? results for similar soils mixed with cement. From this, a cement-bound soil model was proposed for the development of a mixing design procedure for different soils.

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