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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 12 Par: 9 (2022)  /  Artículo

New Method to Determine Dynamic Meshing Force for Spur Gears Considering the Meshing State of Multiple Pairs of Teeth

Rui Xu    
Jing Zhang    
Jiugen Wang    
Zihui Wang    
Lin Xi    
Renjun Li and Hao Li    


The determination of meshing force and the load sharing ratio of gear teeth is critical to predict the dynamic behavior or the load capacity of gear transmissions. In the previous literature, the dynamic meshing force is usually calculated based on the traditional dynamic model, which ignores the different effects of the meshing characteristics of each pair of teeth on the dynamic behavior of the gear system. In this work, a new calculation method of dynamic meshing force is proposed based on the new dynamic model considering the meshing state of multiple pairs of teeth. The difference between the traditional calculation method and the new calculation method of dynamic meshing force is analyzed. Based on the new dynamic model and new calculation method of dynamic meshing force, the influence of different factors on dynamic response and dynamic meshing force are further discussed. The results show that, compared with the traditional calculation method, this new method can be used to effectively calculate the dynamic meshing force and the load sharing ratio of each pair of teeth with different meshing characteristics. The presented method for the calculation of the dynamic meshing force and the load sharing ratio provides an important reference for analyzing and predicting the dynamic behavior or the load capacity of spur gears, especially the high contact ratio (HCR) gears with contact ratio more than two.

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Revista: Applied Sciences