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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 9 Par: 15 (2019)  /  Artículo

Research on the Damage Evolution Process of Steel Wire with Pre-Corroded Defects in Cable-Stayed Bridges

Ying Wang and Yuqian Zheng    


A numerical simulation method is presented in this paper to study the damage evolution and failure process of high-strength steel wires with pre-corrosion defects in cable-stayed bridges under fatigue loads. This method was based on the mechanism of crack nucleation accelerated by corrosion pits, in which cellular automata (CA) and finite element (FE) simulation methods were used. First, based on the continuum damage mechanics (CDM) theory, a fatigue damage model suitable for steel wire with pre-corroded defects was established to describe the evolution process of the microscopic damage of steel wires, and a user-defined material subroutine (UMAT) was written using formula translator (FORTRAN) language. Then, in MATLAB, the shape and position of random pitting defects on the steel wire surface were generated using 3D CA technology. Afterwards, a pitting defect model was successively inputted into AutoCAD, Rhino and ABAQUS software to obtain the FE model of steel wire with initial pitting defects or initial damage. Finally, the life-and-death element method and the UMAT program were used to simulate the fatigue damage evolution process of the steel wire with initial defects in ABAQUS software, and the fatigue life of the steel wire was obtained. The results show that the proposed strategy and algorithm can effectively describe the fatigue damage evolution process of the steel wire with initial pitting defects under the action of a fatigue load, and the simulated fatigue life is in good agreement with the experimental results. The obtained stress-life (S-N) curves of the steel wire with different corrosion degrees show that the influence of pit corrosion on fatigue life is much greater than that of the mass loss caused by corrosion. By comparing the irregular pit model with regular pit models, it can be found that the irregular shape angle is the main reason for the smaller fatigue life and the larger stress concentration in the irregular pit model than in the regular pit model.

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