Femtosecond hard X-ray pulses generated by laser-driven plasma sources are eminently suitable to probe structural dynamics due to the angstrom spatial resolution and sub-picosecond time resolution. However, the insufficient flux of X-ray photons and high pulse-to-pulse instability compared with the large-scale ultrashort X-ray source, such as X-ray free-electron laser and synchrotrons, largely restricts its applications. In this work, we have optimized automation control and mechanical designs to significantly enhance the reliability and photon flux in our femtosecond laser plasma-induced X-ray source. Specifically, the optimized source provides a reliable pulse-to-pulse stability with a fluctuation of less than 1% (root-mean-square) and a total flux of Cu-Ka X-ray photons above 1011 photons/s. To confirm its functionality, ultrafast X-ray diffraction experiments are conducted on two different samples and the high consistency with previous results verifies the system?s superior performance.