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Observations and Preliminary Vulnerability Assessment of a Hybrid Dune-Based Living Shoreline

Maria A. Winters    
Brian Leslie    
Evyan Borgnis Sloane and Timu W. Gallien    


A novel hybrid (e.g., vegetation, sand, cobble, rip-rap) nature-based dune structure was constructed at Cardiff State Beach in Encinitas, California, to protect a critical transportation artery from undermining and frequent flooding. A collaboration between regulators, funders, state agencies, professional practice and academia developed a high resolution robust unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) based monitoring strategy to observe dune construction and evolution. Fifteen construction surveys were conducted to observe each substrate element for future morphodynamic modeling efforts. Six post-construction surveys were conducted to observe seasonal and storm-by-storm dune evolution. Backshore vulnerability was assessed using a sixty-one year time series of tides and hindcast wave forcing fit to a general extreme value distribution. The dune crest is above calculated 100-year water levels; however, the dune remains vulnerable to mass wasting caused by swash interaction at the toe of the dune. Sea-level rise will substantially increase the probability of dune erosion, breaching, and overtopping.

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